domingo, 14 de octubre de 2007

A COMEBACK FROM SHADOW.... *how could it be*


Jejejeje, I'm so glad I'll be writting about happy stuff now, I was tired of writting about sad things. Here's how the great despair of a couple of days ago turned into a new breath for my life.


Written a long time after


I don't remember much of what I was going to write... but well I t must have been good by the first words!

To sad I cannot write it down now... it's all gone!


jueves, 11 de octubre de 2007



I hate to say it, but I've never felt as sure as today, that things in life are not for ever.
Deep in my heart I tricked myself, I didn't know anything about life, and still I think I know nothing; cause today, that little something that confused you and had you down, came to me as the return of the darkness I just abandoned and to whom I don't want to go back.

Why do I have to go back to that state! I DON'T WANT TO! I don't want to be alone any more!

I just beg for my happiness now, cause I deserve it HELL I DO! I don't mind if it is you or not *now I care SHIT* I just wanna think about myself for a while.
And just in case it is my destiny to let you go, I'll DO, you' were just borrowed after all. I just don't want to lose you to HER! That's all


Someday I shall come over those who pass over me today! Be it soon or late... I shall BE HAPPY!