sábado, 5 de mayo de 2007

The REAL first time

The REAL first-time

4 weeks after the blessed first kiss, I gave myself entirely to that boy that came out of my dreams. The first time which I had planned in my mind for so long, came without a notice, without a warning.

In that moment, when I felt for the first time what being ONE with the other was, my mind collapsed. Although I felt completely happy for being with the guy I loved, I felt like something was missing, I felt as if my dreams for that moment were all turning into dust...

Since that date, our meetings have been frequent, our love has been growing firmly, and the idea of giving out my body has overpassed the simple perception of sex. It has reached the deep expression of real love... I know it is so, because I always feel it in my heart and in my soul.

Be it due to the lack of time, the danger of the unexistant privacy or any other circumstance, those moments were condemned not to last long, they were meant to be simple samples of what clearly seemed to be a great and carefully prepared gift from GOD.

And so today, being as unaware of my world as I've been all my life, I was given that heavenly gift I dreamed so fiercely about, I got it wrapped in the most precious envelope, I received my UNIQUE and REAL first time.

Without the worries of time or space, freeing myself from the stress that drowning work layed over me, I let things flow at their pace. There was no hurry at all; finally the time to stare at the other with the tenderness and love that our eyes were always hiding, came; no spacial boundaries stopped us from drowning in the so desired caresses, soft and delicate... dedicated glances, warm and soft kisses, passionate but yet tender hugs.

Time stopped in that moment of glory as if the whole world was over... nothing else existed but the two of us, merged in each others warm and sincere arms, covered and protected by our own deep and strong love for each other, lost in the merged wonders of the beloved one, who was closest than ever... in body and soul.

The tears holded for a lifetime, runned out without hesitation, talking for myself, expressing the happiness that nor words, hugs or kisses together could express. And so, my REAL first time was sealed, in a night were the naked bodies were joined without shame, without any lust sense or regrets... it was just LOVE ♥

Thanks to you God, thanks for this gift.
Thanks for taking care of me, thanks for taking care of Him
Thanks for leading me through blossomed gardens
Thanks for each day's sunshine
Thanks for this blessed chance of living happiness my Lord... thanks from the deepest end of my HEART

1 comentario:

Steve dijo...

Hola amor..
Creo que estas en la mázima expresion de tu ser, de tu alma, de tus pensamientos de tu escencia como mujer, y lo único que te puedo asegurar es que no estas pisando en falso, que yo te entrego todo de corazón y te doy lo mejor cada dia, siempre te he querido por quien eres y por todo lo que me das, te AMO sin dudarlo y estoy completamente seguro que contigo soy feliz. Te doy gracias de verdad por darme todo lo que tienes, por entregarte tan completamente a mi, por sr una mujer adorable, llena de tantos valores, de tantas cosas que solo hacen convertirte en algo mucho mas preciado, algo que no se asemeja a ninguna piedra preciosa, eres mas que eso, eres un angel enviado para cuidar mis sueños, para acompañarme en mis dias y en mis noches, para llenarme de ese amor y para recibirlo, para compartir todos los momentos y para ser feliz. Desde ahora, te repito que eres lo mejor que me ha sucedido en la vida, contigo la vida ha cobrado un nuevo rumbo, un nuevo sentido, algo que definitivamente ha hecho que te quiera cada dia mas. Ese momento fue tan importante para ti como para mi, fue un momento en el cual nuestros cuerpos se sintieron sumergidos en una onda de placer en la cual ninguno de los dos sentia mas que ganas de integrarse con el otro, convertirse en uno solo, vivir juntos para siempre, ser un solo cuerpo, una sola alma... ya casi lo logramos... por ahora, solo me basta decir que cada dia que pasa te amo mas y solo busco tu felicidad, incluso por encima de la mia, que en cada momento que pasa sólo hago que pensar en tí, que no sales de mi mente y que desde que te conoizco perteneces a mi. Te Amo 'olwis'.